Libreoffice Vanilla For Mac

Libreoffice vanilla for mac

Libreoffice Free Download

But LibreOffice goes further by enabling you to use a modern open standard, the OpenDocument Format (ODF). • Enterprise hardened through relentless independent testing • Stable six-monthly release cycle of feature updates • Backported key features from LibreOffice Vanilla • Improved OOXML file support (.docx,.docm). Collabora supplies branded and customised LibreOffice versions LibreOffice Vanilla for Mac, GovOffice, Collabora Office, Collabora Online Development Edition (CODE) and Collabora Online. EuroOffice is a derivative of LibreOffice with free and non-free extensions developed by Hungarian-based MultiRacio Ltd. Dag Aleidus, Op je vragen kan ik geen inhoudelijke reactie geven. Ik neem wel de vrijheid kort (voor alle aanwezigen) nog eens een link te leggen met het.